Legacy Tribute Shows (TBAS-LMT Band)

  1. Tribute to Van "The Immortal" Morrison -- Legacy Tribute Concerts

    # vimeo.com/574189798 Uploaded
  2. Tribute to McCartney, Lennon, Ray Charles, Little Richard, Jerry Lee, Van Morrison, ...

    # vimeo.com/301627088 Uploaded
  3. Legacy Music Tributes
    AT Doran & LMT Band

    # vimeo.com/805764960 Uploaded
  4. Billy & Elton - Piano Men, Double Bill, V2!
    Anton Doran & Piano Men of Rock

    # vimeo.com/393449906 Uploaded
  5. Tony Doran
    Soundriser Entertainment
    Legacy Tribute Concerts

    # vimeo.com/700332414 Uploaded

Legacy Tribute Shows (TBAS-LMT Band)

Doran Entertainment

Absolute Elton
Billy & Elton, Double Bill
Piano Men of Rock
Acoustic Rushmore
Van Alive
Guitarists of Rock
Beatles & Pioneers of Rock

Legacy Tributes --
Anton Tony Doran
& The Legacy Tributes Band
From Gulf Coast Florida to Canada

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